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TINDER- Never Again?

Updated: Oct 6, 2020

I went through a breakup recently and my friend M desperately wanted me to sign up for Tinder. Sounds like the beginning of a great story, right?

So, here’s what you need to know about M… She. Loves. Tinder. And over the years I kept hearing that I should get it but I’ve never really been into online dating or meeting people on the Internet in general.

But now, I thought…screw this! How bad can it be? #seekdiscomfort

So, M created me a profile because I was too lazy to do it myself and she’s the one who wanted me to have it in the first place. Profile is done. Great! Now, the swiping part which was actually my favorite part and so fun to do.

We’re like 10 or 20 minutes in, and I started to get matches and messages. In this process I learned something about myself- I’m really comfortable being alone right now and with school I have no time for this crap anyways. Having no man means I can go to the club and dance with everybody and not worry if my bf punches somebody for flirting with me. In addition, I don’t have to divide my time between him, school, friends and me-time.

But I also realized I had no one to watch movies with or *ahem*.

Soooo…even after watching basically every Youtube video about Tinder horror stories, I tried to give it a shot and went on a date with one guy. It went pretty well, not perfectly. But, I mean, which Tinder date does.

The thing is, I don’t have a problem with Tinder itself, per say (yet), but I do have a problem with myself! Why on earth would I go looking for somebody if I’m comfortable on my own right now!? This was poor thinking on my part, or rather no thinking at all, just doing, I guess. Because, now, I have to deal with this guy who really likes me and wants to meet up every day and I am feeling very suffocated…again! I don’t really know what to do about it.

I guess my point is- Stay Clear Of Tinder!

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